What Does Safeguarding Cover?
Safeguarding encompasses the arrangements that are in place for all children. Child protection refers to the policy and procedures for children who have been significantly harmed or are at risk of harm.
Safeguarding covers numerous topics, many of which are interconnected, including:
- Bullying
- Peer-on-peer abuse
- Child Criminal Exploitation (CCE) and Criminal Sexual Exploitation (CSE).
- Domestic violence
- Sexual abuse and harassment
- Mental health and wellbeing
- Self-harm
- Neglect
- Prevent (Preventing Violent Extremism)
- Substance Misuse
- Violence Against Women and Girls (including FGM)
- Online Safety
The Keeping Children Safe In Education (KCSIE) Document is statutory guidance for schools, colleges and other institutes of education and is written by the Department for Education (DfE). It applies to all school staff as well as to governing bodies, management committees and proprietors. Every member of staff within a school must read at least part 1 and part 5 of the guidance, as it sets out what legal duties must be followed to ensure the correct safeguarding and welfare of children under the age of 18. You can read Parts 1 and 5 of the guidance here. (I’d like the ‘The Keeping Children Safe In Education’ (KCSIE) Document link to be accessible)
At Salmons Brook School we are committed to the safety and wellbeing of our students.
- Are you feeling upset or unsafe?
- Are you worried about a friend, student or family member?
- Does something not feel right?
Parents / carers:
- Are you concerned about the wellbeing of your child?
- Are you concerned about the safety and wellbeing of another child?
Please contact a member of the Salmons Brook School Designated Safeguarding Team:
Designated Safeguarding Lead:
Ms Matthews (Acting Head teacher)
Lead Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead:
Miss Nottingham (Safeguarding and welfare officer)
Deputy Designated Safeguarding leads |
Mr Ashorobi (Assistant Headteacher) Ms Dowson (Lead practitioner for wellbeing) |