At Salmons Brook, we have a dedicated Family Support Worker who works as part of the school’s wider leadership team.
Our Family Support Worker can offer families assistance and guidance in the following ways:
Contributing to achieving goals and outcomes identified in young people's Education, Health Care and Plans.
Support with uniform: sale, creating payment plans for families and assisting families with applying for uniform grants.
Improving levels of engagement and school attendance/punctuality and supporting parent/carers with their legal responsibilities to secure the regular attendance of their child at school.
Acting as the first stage of school support for families requiring additional help including supporting with applications for DLA, uniform grants, sign posting to external services etc.
Building strong relationships with parents and carers so that they are involved and know how they can support their child, in collaboration with the school.
Attending multi-agency meetings to ensure a joined-up approach between home, school, and external services, including core group, child protection, LAC reviews/PEP meetings and other relevant meetings, as required.
You can get in touch with our family support worker by:
Calling the school office - 020 3089 5900
Via email: